
ICAI CA Final Exam Preparation Tips


Exam Preparation Tips for ICAI and CA Final Students

Exam tips while writing our exam paper

The biggest blunder we commit in an ICAI exam or other exam is that we don’t relax just before the exam. We try to mug up everything at the last moment. What we forget is that no race can be won by a fatigued mind.

What we need to do is to close our eyes for a while and meditate for the time being.This will soothe our minds and we will perform well in the final exam. While writing exams we seem to be very slow at the beginning but as time passes we start gaining momentum and this will boost our confidence with the help of early exam meditation.

Best way to write an exam paper

  • Remember the best way to write an ICAI exam paper is to first analyze what has been asked in that paper.
  • It will take around five to six minutes to gain that understanding.
  • Your approach shall be now the whole paper is in your grip in just five to six minutes.
  • Now, start writing the paper at full pace. Do not wait for an ultimate moment to increase your speed. Start writing at full pace from the initial moment itself.

How to attempt the question paper?

Let’s talk something about theoretical and numerical questions. Always prefer to do theoretical at the beginning. In theory, we have only two options :

  1. Either you know the answer or
  2. You don’t know the answer to the mind is clear

but if we talk about the numerical part we would not be sure where we are going to be stuck while attempting the question. The reason for getting stuck can be an error in calculation, a comprehension problem in a line of questions, a lack of confidence in applying a concept, etc. Being an ex-examiner, I can assure you that, in general, every exam step marking is done in both theories as well as numerical and it does not hamper your impression if you attempt theory first.

One more thing, in several CA final exam papers theory and numericals are in the blended form . What I mean to say is that , in general, one-third of paper belongs to theory questions so obviously, you can’t ignore it. Now, let’s allocate your time for writing our paper.


Avoid these after exam :

  1. Don’t be afraid that you have not completed a question,
  2. Do not feel uncomfortable,
  3. Don’t lose your confidence

If youa are unable to complete your question, do not worry at all because as I mentioned above you about the step marking processor . I know we don’t feel happy unless we write the whole solution but remember there is a difference between the cinema hall and exam hall so focus on scoring, not on happiness.

After ICAI exam, keep this thing in mind that do not dicuss exam after attempting it beacuse it may leads to hamper your next exam . So, it will be better for you if you  focus on your next exam.

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